2023 IS HERE!
Welcome BACK to our Troop Webpage! We had a small technical issue, but now we are back!
Eagle page is updated.
Any questions please let us know!
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Welcome BACK to our Troop Webpage! We had a small technical issue, but now we are back!
Eagle page is updated.
Any questions please let us know!
Thank you to all the adult leaders and parents who helped this year, either at camp or behind the scenes. Our Scouts had a really good time!
Now it is on to the Summit and the rest of our summer!!
Mr Durkin
It is time to look forward. Move forward. Be forward. Tighten up your boot laces and lets get going!!
Mr. Durkin
Scoutmaster Troop 933
The Troop has faced some challenges these past six months. Our next challenge is…
It’s getting DARK really early!
Yep. The dark.
We are meeting primarily outdoors right now due to group restrictions in place from the State of Ohio and the NLFGC. With the coming of fall and earlier sunsets, that’s going to become a challenge. So we have adapted a new plan for some of our meetings.
Starting on THIS COMING MONDAY, October 5th, we will be meeting at the North Lawrence Fire Department!!
Normal meeting times. We will have ample room to spread out and be socially distant. And we will have lights!! We will be able to go outside as needed.
PATROL LEADERS. If there gear/items YOU need for these meetings that are at the Scout Building, YOU must arrange w the Quartermasters and Adult Leaders to pick them up immediately before the Troop meeting and make sure they are returned after it.
There is a caveat, of course, we can only meet there every other week due to a meeting the fire station has every other week.
So, here is the schedule for meetings through December. Any are subject to change due to it being 2020 and all… (I did not list Committee or Adult Leader Meetings. Those are at the Scout Building still.)
Monday 10/05/20 Troop Meeting NLFD
Monday 10/12/20 Troop Meeting Scout Building
Monday 10/19/20 Troop Meeting Probably @ Scout Building to prepare for camp out.
Friday 10/23-25/20 October Camp Out Seven Ranges Scout Reservation
Monday 10/28/20 PLC Meeting Scout Building
Monday 11/02/20 Troop Meeting NLFD
Monday 11/09/20 Troop Meeting Scout Building (Prep for camp out)
Friday 11/13-15/20 November Camp Out Camp Manatoc
Monday 11/16/20 PLC Meeting Scout Building
Monday 11/23/20 Troop Meeting Scout Building
Monday 11/30/20 NO Meeting Thanksgiving Break
Monday 12/07/20 Troop Meeting Scout Building (prep for camp out)
Friday 12/11-13/20 December Camp Out Seven Ranges
Monday 12/14/20 PLC or COH? NLFD
Monday 12/21/20 No Meeting Christmas Break
Monday 12/28/20 No Meeting Christmas Break
Monday 01/04/21 Troop Meeting Scout Building
We will still be wearing masks and going through our protocols that we have in place. Any meeting at the Scout Building will be primarily outdoors. They maybe a split meeting where ½ the Troop comes at one time and the other later to minimize people there at one time. (That is something we are working on.) So Scouts will have to dress appropriately for the weather. Headlamps will be recommended for Scouts.
The first Mondays are normally Board of Review nights. While we have not discussed this as a Committee, I am sure we can adapt as need be.
So that’s the plan going forward.
Any questions or concerns, please let us know.
Mr. John Durkin
Scoutmaster Troop 1933
From all the Leaders of Troop 933, we wish your family good health and the Lord’s guiding hand to get us through this trying time in our country.
If any Scouts have any question about rank or Summer Camp or anything, please do not hesitate to contact a leader. If we do not have the answer, we will find it for you.
Keep watching the Troop Facebook page for any info from Council or National and for “Scouty” things for our Scouts to do while at home.
Stay Safe! Wash Your Hands!
God Bless
Mr Durkin
Scoutmaster Troop 933
330-806-1574 Cell/Text
2020 is here!
The new year brings lots of Scouting opportunities to our Scouts and Troop.
First up is Recharter. I know, I know, starting off with money? Yes, because this starts off the year. Once you recharter, then everything else is just Scouts! Hopefully, Scouts earned some money from Popcorn to help with this fee. If not, then there is added incentive to sell more Popcorn next year!
Next up here in January is the Hetuck District Klondike. Again hosted by the North Lawrence Fish and Game Club, this district wide event is always a good time. Our Troop is looking to run 3 – 4 sleds plus the Webelos from Pack 933 are participating again this year! The highlight of the day is always the fantastic Auction. Patrols use the points they earned to bid on really good gear for their Patrol or Troop.
February brings a few events for our Scouts and Scouters. First up is always BPI, Baden Powell Institute. BPI is a day of learning and discussion for adult leaders on a multitude of topics, presented in a college setting. Next up is the Pack 933 Blue and Gold and Crossover. A great meal, a good Blue and Gold, and then a fantastic Crossover ceremony for Scouts coming to our Troop. Our monthly activity this month is our annual Ski Trip @ Boston Mills Brandywine. (Hopefully there is snow.) Finishing up the month are our Troop Elections.
March and April bring us our annual Good Turn Project Weekend to fulfill a requirement for Summer Camp Honors and a Scout Skills Weekend to help our new Scouts learn about our Troop.
For May, we have a Biking/Hiking weekend planned and our Memorial Day Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser for NYLT and the North Lawrence Memorial Day Parade.
June is SUMMER CAMP and then July is our yearly High Adventure Trip!!
This was really a long winded way of reminding everyone that we have a Google Calendar that is up to date and handy. See TROOP CALENDAR link above!!!
But, yeah, we will be busy! See you on the trail!
Howdy Again All, this one is shorter…
Hopefully the Scouts that attended the 09/19 meeting came home talking about the different foods they sampled at the meeting. Why were they sampling food? As part of our Backpacking Camp Out Prep for the October Camp out, we had food demos for the Scouts.
Thank you to Mr. Luckring and his crew, Mr. Stutzman, Mr. Maier, and Mr. Peterson (and Quentin, Keegan and Parker for helping too) for a great demo of different foods Scouts can make on a backpacking camp out. From a simple trail stove, to cooking over coals with a mess kit, to a small wood burning stove, various easy and simple preparation methods were demoed.
Our Chefs made food to sample that was really good and very importantly, very CHEAP food as meal alternatives. Buffalo chicken and cheese quesadillas made w pouch (Tyson/Starkist) buffalo chicken. Cajun spam quesadillas! Ramen noodles w canned chicken added. A simple trail stew w carrots, potatoes and beef jerky cooked over a trail stove. Heated up Vienna sausages and spam. All the food was really good, and I speak from experience as I tried most of them I think. Many, many ways to cheaply have a meal, but still have the nutrition and calories needed to replace what we would use up, and what you need, while hiking.
The point was to show them that sure a freeze dried meal is fine, but they are expensive. With just a little effort and creativity, they can have a good meal, that they like, relatively cheaply. The Ramen noodles w a chicken pouch was under $2.00 a meal. Many of the others were similarly priced. Compared to one Mountain House Freeze Dried meal that can run you $8.00 +.
Our plan right now for the October camp out is for the Scouts to make 2 meals individually or with a buddy. Breakfast and lunch on Saturday. Then we will have a normal Patrol meal for dinner on Saturday. Patrol meal cost to be determined.
Lots more info about the October Camp Out to follow. So far there are 12 Scouts signed up.
ANY questions of concerns, please get w the leaders mentioned above or myself.
John Durkin
Scoutmaster Troop 1933
330-806-1574 Cell/Text
The Troop is planning on doing a Backpacking Weekend. We are going to Camp Tuscazoar, October 18 – 20th.
Troop 933 has not been a hiking/backpacking Troop. We hike while on a campout, sure, but it has not been the focus of one for a long time. We are making strides to correct this.
Our first steps are being taken at the Troop Meetings in September. Sept 9th we talked about Backpacks and gear. Mr. Luckring demonstrated a light pack for a short hike. Mr. Maier demonstrated a heavier pack for a longer hike. They went over the types of gear each would recommend for the two different sort of hikes. Back packs, food, water, light weight clothes, etc.; it was a pretty broad discussion.
There were lots of good questions from the Scouts. Both Mr. Luckring and Mr. Maier speak from years of experience and actually being out hiking. They have accumulated their gear, and in some cases have spent a bit on it. We are not expecting our Scouts to go out and spend a lot of money and be experts in a month.
At the end of the presentation, I made a point to talk to the Scouts about that. For our purposes, whatever they have can be made to work, especially for our October camp out. I told them NOT to let the fact that they might not have a lightweight back pack or sleeping bag stop them from wanting to come on this camp out. Don’t have a some of the gear like a back pack or a backpacking stove? That’s fine. We are planning an easier hiking weekend to get us started.
(And I told them, here is the thing. You come on this camp out, do some hiking. See what you have and do not have. Then this Christmas, maybe instead of a video game or the newest tech, ask for a back pack, ask for a lightweight sleeping bag. Or even their birthday. Or, heaven forbid, save up some allowance and buy it yourself! A Scout is Thrifty after all. A real good idea is to maybe not buy brand new. Check out 2nd hand sporting goods stores or online markets.)
A next step in our learning process is to have the Scouts Pack their back pack for the October camp out ahead of time and bring it to a meeting to be looked over by adults and weighed. They will give the Scouts advice on what they need and do not need. We also weighed each Scout last week to determine how much weight it is recommended that they carry. This is figured as a % of total body weight. This number will be used to help in the pack reviews.
So, I am sure you are all asking, this is all well and good, but what sort of hiking are our Scouts doing in October? Good question. The plan is to arrive at camp like we always do, setup tents, have cracker barrel, go to bed. Then on Saturday we will have breakfast and then head off on a hike around the camp. We will stop for a trail lunch and continue on to our camp for Saturday evening. There we will have dinner back at our base campsite. We will get up Sunday AM, tear down camp, and head for home.
How far are we expecting to hike? That is to be determined. It will depend on trails and camp sites we use. I would guess no more than 5 miles max.
How much gear are the Scouts going to carry? Right now, the plan is as much as they are comfortable with carrying.
We will not carry tents or cooking gear. Scouts will need to carry a back pack of some sort, day packs for the hike are fine.
As far as food for the weekend, we are looking at having each Scout bring their own. We also went over inexpensive options for this. We talked more about it at the meeting on the 16th, see the separate email on the food we sampled
So this is all a first step, what is next? What comes next are longer hiking trips. Trips around the state where we use mini camp stoves and GPS and go longer and longer distances. Then eventually, we would look to go to Philmont as a Troop. But beginners steps first.
Finally, the Scouts wanted to work on Wilderness Survival MB on this camp out. The requirements were attached to an email send out on 09/17. It is recommended that they read the MB Book. They can check out the MB book from our Library if we have some copies or purchase one at the Scout shop. Reading the MB book will help them complete the requirements. I will let everyone know what requirements we will cover and if they need to have any done before the camp out (probably # 5, Personal Survival Kit).
Sorry for how long this was. Next post for a Food Discussion.
ANY questions or concerns please see myself, Mr. Luckring, or Mr. Maier.
John Durkin
Scoutmaster Troop 1933
330-806-1574 cell/Text